Sunday, 24 September 2017

oh, so that's what it will take

I used to have a blog.  I blogged for many years, about domestic triumphs (like hiding dishes in the oven, forgetting about them, turning the oven on a few days later, and Melting Inedible Things, or How Long My Christmas Tree Has Been Up) and my little kids (who are now almost 22, and 18), my dog, my writing life ...

And then Life happened.  I developed a mental illness.  My husband went a few rounds with colon cancer.  I blogged a little, here and there, but the truth is that I was feeling a bit beat up, all in all, and then a few years ago, something happened that made it feel like the blog was no longer a safe space (yeah, I know.  A blog that the whole internet can read whenever they like with unlimited access somehow felt safe? Makes no sense, and yet it did.)  I'd think of something to post and then I just - couldn't.  I've often wondered what it would take to get me to post something again.

And then the old blog has disappeared, due to electronic incompetence on my part, and now there's this brand new space, this wide inviting open space just waiting for All The Words.  And here are some, and I'm going to post this, and then I'm going to write another post, and then we'll see what happens.

Welcome to my new space :)


  1. Nice to see you again my dear!

  2. God has sent the Blog Angels to find a way to get you to let go of old ways - sneaky like that when we don't get the message the first few times. Fresh starts are good. Enjoy the opportunity to begin again. Love S

  3. And this is why I like your blog because - although I don't hide dishes in the oven - I have left my stove on, gone downtown for coffee and came back to the Fire department standing in my kitchen laughing at the hard-boiled eggs all over the floor. It's comforting to know that there are other humans out there. ;)
