Monday, 28 October 2024

"let me always sing Hallelujah" (hat tip "Broken Hallelujah", The Afters.)

A Few Paraphrases

Some of the things I have said about October, mostly on the Blog I Accidentally Deleted. include:

 - October is hard, so very hard.

- the sight of the full moon peeking through bare branches was, for several years, enough to send me into a full-blown panic attack.  Or to make me dissociate so badly I didn't know my own name.

- I can't tell you what happened to me in October - it's not that I don't know, it's that I have some responsibility to think before I speak about what sorts of images I am putting in other people's heads.  I was hurt, very badly, by people who wanted to go on hurting me, and so took steps to terrify me into silence.

(it worked.  I was terrified into forgetting it completely until I was in my 50's)

A Memory:

October of 2019, I clearly remember having a panic attack after class, stuttering a short, edited version of the story to a perceptive classmate, who asked me if I needed anything.

"I need to ride this out", I told her, "but I've got the skills." 

She smiled.  "Would you like some company while you ride it out?"

(We are all just walking each other home.) (Ram Dass)

October 2021.  The Great Integration.  The insiders, the holders of the secrets, the Memory Keepers, were able to let go, to walk away from decades of being silenced, to their places of peace.

October 2024.  Today.  Yesterday.  Last week, the last few weeks.  A few stories.

I can look at Halloween decorations without needing to rant or cry to a therapist.  I can drive through the neighbourhood I live in and actually look at something other than the five feet of road directly in front of me.

Last week a dear friend texted me to ask how I was doing in "this hellish season".  (walking me home).  Told me she was thinking of me,  I was perplexed for several minutes and then realized - oh!  it's October!    I texted her back, telling her about the confusion and said "Maybe healing is A Thing." 

Thursday, exactly a week before Halloween, I had an ultrasound (routine.  Panic thou not) that involved a man I did not know, who was not having a good day, and had no interest in answering my questions, leaning over me and leaning on my body, with prolonged contact with my chest - ok, my *breasts* - and I ...didn't care.  I was astonished enough that I asked the resounding silence in my head "Where are you all ??" (unconcerned, is where they were.  There's a longer explanation, about what integration looks like inside my head, but that's not today's post.)

Church on Sunday.  I am a person who knits in church.  Before I Remembered, I only knew that it stopped me from falling asleep in church.  It's still the easiest explanation - my under brain needs something to do so my upper brain can pay attention.  (Also I like to knit.) And then I started to remember, and church became very problematic, as my primary abuser was a dedicated church goer.  I did not feel safe in church, and I realized, eventually, that when I did not feel safe but couldn't physically remove myself, I would dissociate by falling asleep.  Now that I am healing I bring the knitting and take it out if I start to get sleepy (or, let's be honest, I'm knitting something I want to finish!)  Sometimes I try to tough it out.  

Sunday I was astonished to realize that I hadn't once gotten sleepy OR even thought about the knitting during the service. I was present, fully engaged in worship, in learning, in Being There.  No insiders, no triggers, no shying away from a possible trigger.  Just me and the God I love, worshipping in community.

It is astonishing enough that this could happen, ever, at all, for me.  That it happened on the last Sunday before Hallowe'en is nothing short of a wild extravagance of treasured grace.

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